Quick Bash Fu to get an overview of a target
As your standard enumeration scripts run, you may need a quick overview of the target. Whether conducting a penetration test or getting a quick overview of a potential client’s domain, efficiency is key. Below are some of the Bash commands I frequently use to gather initial data. These commands help identify subdomains, check web server responses, and find potential vulnerabilities.
- Finding Subdomains and Their IPs
echo domain.com | assetfinder | while read line; do dig +short $line | while read ip; do echo $line $ip;done; done
Purpose: This pipeline finds subdomains of domain.com using assetfinder and then resolves their IP addresses using dig.
Example Output:
- Checking Web Server Responses
cat hosts | httpx -sc -title -td -cl -bp 10
Purpose: This command takes a list of hosts, checks them with httpx to get status codes, titles, and content lengths, and find the technologies used
Example Output:
https://subdomain1.domain.com [200] [Home Page] [Cloudflare, Wordpress, PHP] [2100] [DOCTYP!]
- Discovering Directories or Files
cat hosts | sed 's|$|/keys|g' | httpx -sc -cl -bp 20
Purpose: This modifies each host URL to append /keys at the end, then uses httpx to check for the status code and content length, potentially discovering exposed directories or files.
- Testing for Honeypots
cat hosts | sed 's|$|?RandomVariable=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd|g' | httpx -x all -sc -title -bp 20
Purpose: This command tests for basic honeypot detection by appending a query that attempts directory traversal. It uses httpx to send requests for all methods, if a random variable gets LFI it’s a honeypot. I hope it’s a honeypot; the alternative is insane.
Example Output:
https://subdomain1.domain.com?RandomVariable=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd [400] "Bad Request"
- Probing for Active Hosts
prips subnet | httprobe | tee hosts
Purpose: Generates IP addresses within a specified subnet using prips, checks for active web servers using httprobe, and saves the results to a file.
Example Output:
- DNS Lookup for IP Addresses
prips subnet | while read line; do host $line; done
Purpose: This command generates IP addresses within a subnet and performs a DNS lookup to find associated domain names.
Example Output: is an alias for subdomain1.domain.com. is an alias for subdomain2.domain.com.
- Checking for Cloudflare Bypass by DNS History
curl https://api.dnslytics.net/v1/hostinghistory/<domain>?apikey=<apikey> | jq
Purpose: Queries the DNS history of a domain to identify past hosting providers, which can be useful for bypassing Cloudflare by finding the origin IP.
Example Output:
"data": [
"ip": "",
"first_seen": "2023-01-01",
"last_seen": "2023-06-01",
"hostnames": ["subdomain1.domain.com"]
These commands are just the tip of the iceberg but serve as a powerful starting point for anyone looking to get a quick overview of a domain during a pentest. Remember, the effectiveness of these commands depends on the scope of your engagement and the specific objectives of your assessment. Always ensure you have permission before engaging with any target.
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